The returned CertPath object does not include the most-trusted CA certificate that may have been used to anchor the path. Instead, use the getTrustAnchor method to get the Certificate of the most-trusted CA. An X.509 CertPath object and a PKIXParameters object are passed as arguments to the validate method of a CertPathValidator instance implementing the PKIX algorithm. The CertPathValidator uses the parameters to initialize the PKIX certification path validation algorithm. The application interfaces supplied by an engine class are implemented in terms of a „Service Provider Interface“ (SPI).

A CertPathValidator implementation may use the CertStore object that the caller specifies as a callback mechanism to fetch CRLs for performing revocation checks. Similarly, a CertPathBuilder may use the CertStore as a callback mechanism to fetch certificates and, if performing revocation checks, CRLs. This class enables a caller to specify the repository a CertPathValidator or CertPathBuilder implementation should use to find certificates and CRLs. The CertPathBuilderResult interface is a transparent representation of the result or output of a certification path builder algorithm. If the build algorithm is successful, the result is returned in an object implementing the CertPathBuilderResult interface.

Data Structures and Algorithms

The certificate must contain an Authority Key Identifier extension matching the specified value. If null, no check will be done on the authorityKeyIdentifier criterion. The specified distinguished name (in X500Principal, RFC 2253 String or ASN.1 DER encoded form) must match the subject distinguished name in the certificate. The specified distinguished name (in X500Principal, RFC 2253 String or ASN.1 DER encoded form) must match the issuer distinguished name in the certificate. Note that use of an X500Principal to represent a distinguished name is preferred because it is more efficient and suitably typed.

  • The X509CRLSelector class is an implementation of the CRLSelector interface that defines a set of criteria for selecting X.509 CRLs.
  • Looking for IT certifications you can do to take your career to the next level?
  • The main purpose of this interface is to group and provide type safety for all certificate storage parameter specifications.
  • This method returns a Collection of objects that satisfy the selection criteria.
  • Instances of PKIXCertPathValidatorResult are returned by the validate method of CertPathValidator objects implementing the PKIX algorithm.

That is, multiple threads may concurrently invoke the methods defined in this class on a single TrustAnchor object (or more than one) with no ill effects. Requiring TrustAnchor objects to be immutable and how to become a java developer thread-safe allows them to be passed around to various pieces of code without worrying about coordinating access. The selection criteria allow a caller to match on different components of an X.509 CRL.

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Each PKIX CertPathValidator and CertPathBuilder instance provides a default revocation implementation that is enabled by default. If you want more control over the revocation settings used by that implementation, use the PKIXRevocationChecker class. The setCertPathCheckers method of the PKIXParameters class allows a user to pass a List of PKIXCertPathChecker objects to a PKIX CertPathValidator or CertPathBuilder implementation. Each of the PKIXCertPathChecker objects will be called in turn, for each certificate processed by the PKIX CertPathValidator or CertPathBuilder implementation. This call creates a CertPathBuilder object that returns paths validated against the PKIX algorithm. Please note that the mechanism that a PKIX CertPathBuilder uses to validate a constructed path is an implementation detail.

  • These classes must be shipped with the provider classes, for example, as part of the provider JAR file.
  • In the case of OCPJP, it becomes even more important because attention to detail is required to understand each coding question before you select options.
  • The TrustAnchor class represents a „most-trusted CA“, which is used as a trust anchor for validating X.509 certification paths.
  • Otherwise, use generateCertPath when you want to generate a CertPath and subsequently validate it with a CertPathValidator (discussed later).
  • The nameConstraints parameter is specified as a byte array containing the ASN.1 DER encoding of a NameConstraints extension.
  • The CertSelector and CRLSelector interfaces are a specification of the set of criteria for selecting certificates and CRLs from a collection or large group of certificates and CRLs.
  • Oracle offers six different Java certification paths for professionals.

All the data in a certificate is encoded using two related standards called ASN.1/DER. The Distinguished Encoding Rules describe a single way to store and transfer that data. Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer OCPJP is considered as the best Java certification course which will definitely help you gain an in-depth knowledge on advanced topics.